Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia may not have achieved much during her short career in Mumbai but she has created magic down south. According to reports from the Telugu film industry, makers of her latest film ‘Parama Veera Chakra’ were so impressed by her voice (not her acting skills!) that they decided to make use of the husky Neha Dhupia baritone for their latest film. And the actress has just created history because this makes Neha Dhupia, the first lady from Bollywood to dub in her own voice for a Telugu film.
If the reports coming in from Tollywood are to be believed, the director of ‘Parama Veera Chakra’ describes Neha Dhupia’s voice as “unmatchable”. In fact, while the filming process for the upcoming project was still going on, the director was almost worried as to who will match up to the voice quality that the Bollywood actress possessed. But now the director can rest in peace as Neha Dhupia herself has come to his rescue. The ex Miss India will dub for her latest flick ‘Parama Veera Chakra’ in her own voice.
Neha Dhupia too, is very excited about the upcoming venture and is all geared up to mouth a completely unknown language. Till today, Neha Dhupia was regarded as one of the sexiest actresses in the Hindi film industry. ‘Parama Veera Chakra’ has introduced to us an entirely new talent of the actress.
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